This is a current summary of tax free investment and tax saving opportunities for UK residents.
Generally, you first look at the ‘tax free’ opportunities and savings whilst ensuring the return is sufficient followed by income that is taxed the least, at this current time, it is dividends on ordinary shares which are taxed at just 10% instead of the normal 22% for income.
Premium Bonds:
These tax free bonds carry no interest in themselves but, the collective interest earned by all investors is distributed each month as prizes. The prizes can be substantial and are tax free. You can liken these to a lottery where your ticket price is refunded at any time. The longer you stay in the game and the more you have the greater the chance of winning large tax free prizes. At any time you can withdrawn your investment for the face value.
Cash ISA:
You can invest a cash lump sum of up to £3,000 each tax year and the interest remains tax free. For example, First Direct are currently offering a rate of 6.25% on their instant access Mini cash e-ISA. All growth is tax free.
Maxi ISA:
A Maxi ISA allows you to expand your cash ISA by investing in stocks and shares to a total ISA investment of £7,000 each tax year. From 2006/07 the total limit is being reduced to £5,000. All growth is tax free.
Older options
National Saving Certificates (no longer available)
They haven’t been available to new customers since 2011, but if you already have one you can carry on renewing it. Over 500,000 customers still have them. Fixed interest National Saving Certificates & National Savings index-linked certificates can be bought for as little as £100 and guarantee fixed rates of interest. Both the interest and the capital growth are tax free. Maximum investment is typically £15,000. nsandi